Six Tips When Choosing Your Student Accommodation

Whether you are thinking about going to university or have already accepted a place, student accommodation will play a key part in helping you make your decision and how happy and settled you feel when starting.

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As well as budgeting for the actual monthly or termly rental fee, there are often hidden extras which you should look out for, including insurance, laundry and the cost of travelling between your accommodation and the university for lectures and tutorials. There may also be additional costs for using the Wi-Fi, and you may need to purchase a television licence. If you are opting for non-catered accommodation, you will also need to take into account the cost of your food and get used to shopping on a budget.


Whether you are a night owl or up at the crack of dawn, if you have a 9 o’clock lecture, you need to make sure you can get there in time. You should also consider the proximity of the town centre, the nightlife and other facilities you may be keen on using, such as the gym and student union.

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Students who are looking for student accommodation Cheltenham can enjoy living in this beautiful area of Gloucestershire, but it’s important to find quality student accommodation Cheltenham.


As well as the gym, if you like working in the library or spending your down time playing computer games or relaxing in the communal lounge, check these are all within easy access of your chosen halls.

Universities in England will be facing a new ‘value for money’ review later this year, the Office for Students has announced. An announcement on student fees is also expected by the government later this year.


It isn’t only the location and cost of the accommodation that are important, but also who you live with. Some universities do personality matches, and all of them offer opportunities to meet other new students when you start. When attending an open day at the university of your choice, ask the existing students which is the best accommodation and let them know your interests, as they will have first-hand experience.

Take Your Time

If you are struggling to find suitable accommodation, shop around. Many university cities offer alternative accommodation with 24/7 security and communal areas to relax, cook and eat in.


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