These are some signals that it’s time to move house

Perhaps you’ve been toying with the idea of moving but can’t decide whether the time is right. Sometimes you just know and other times you can be in two minds. Here are some signs that could be time to get packing and head for pastures new:

1. It has become small

One of the most common signs that it’s time to move on is when your family outgrows the current pad. If you bought a starter home, it is likely that some children later, your home no longer meets your needs. With the passage of time and a growing family, whatever looked ideal before has now become a source of stress. If you have started to notice boxes stacked up in the rooms, there’s a queue to get into the bathroom, the children fight for bedroom-space and there is no room for the furniture you want – then you have outgrown your current home. If some re-organization has not solved the problem, then it’s time to look for something bigger.

2. You have too much space

The other extreme is the ’empty nest’ syndrome. If your children have flown the nest, you may start to not like the space you have left. Many families choose to downsize when they reach this point in their lives. Why is it necessary to clean empty bedrooms? Too much extra space could also be making you feel down if you no longer have so many family members around. A downsize means less cleaning, less maintenance and lower bills. Get help with your move with Essex Removal companies at a site like

3. Environment changes

Changes in your environment can spur you to leave the area. What might once have been a beautiful place and welcoming when you first moved in may have changed for the worse with changing demographics and an increase in crime due to various reasons. Maybe it’s become more crowded, noisy or abandoned. It’s not just a matter of your safety but also investment and the decline in property prices in the area.

4. Your house costs you too much

Are you forever shelling out on the endless maintenance needs? If your house is old, the state of repair may be too much for your family at some point. It could be more practical and sensible to move rather than continuing to pour money into a dilapidated property. At the point where it costs more to maintain than it’s worth, you definitely need to cut your losses.

5. You’re just not happy

You do not need a specific reason but if you just do not feel happy in your current home then change could be just what you need. Quality of life is everything and if you feel you are suffering even moderately, you must take action. If you feel your mind fills with excitement and joy when you think of moving, be honest with yourself and consider whether it’s time to move.

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