The market town of Tewkesbury.

Tewkesbury is a large market town that lies just outside of the Cotswolds in the North of Gloucestershire. It has many beautiful features to recommend it. In fact it was one of the first places to benefit from a kind of tourism. It was lauded as being one of the best preserved towns that still had a frontage from Medieval times, so it was very popular with Shakespeare fans from the Seventeenth Century onwards. It is a well presented place partly because of the work of Tewkesbury Blinds based company keeping everyone’s house in a good state.

The town is famed for many things. It is a major marine of the River Severn as a halfway point between Gloucester and Worcester. It sits right on the border of Worcestershire, the border just being a stone’s throw away. The most interesting fact about Tewkesbury is that it was the scene of one of the most important battles of the War of the Roses in 1471. The current inhabitants celebrate this with a large festival and reenactment every summer. It even has jousts.

There is a beautiful ex-Monastery in the town that draws many visitors and pilgrims. It is lucky to have survived becoming the town’s main church instead saving it from Henry the eighties dissolutions. The townsfolk at the time were determined to save it so that purchased it for the price of the lead on the roof! At the Northern end of the town sits the oldest Pub in the Black Bear. People have been drinking in it since 1308 (albeit unconfirmed)!

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