Why e-mail marketing should be designed thinking about mobile?

The mobile is gradually established itself as the preferred platform to open the mail. Only 37% of emails are opened on mobile devices. In the United States the figure rises to 52% (The Pew Internet and American Life Project). We already talked about more than half of the users. It is a very important milestone considering that the e-mail marketing is played one of his first action on the matter and appearance mail. How persuasive or striking it depends on the number of users who convert. If half of them can not even visualize it correctly, the ratios come down in a hurry.

First mobile, desktop after

Currently mails are designed thinking in the version for desktop ignoring the upward trend check email from mobile devices. The Yesmail own solutions provider e-mail marketing, analyzed data from 5 billion emails and concluded that 49% of them have opened from a mobile device.However, only they clicked on a link in the message by 11% compared to 23% who did it from a computer. That is, half. The question is irremediable, why?

The most logical explanation is that the emails are designed to be read from a computer screen. Given that from the email application on an iPhone, for example, only 30 characters can be seen in the email subject, if the phrase does not begin with the most persuasive, it is likely that users will not read it.

Users who combine several devices generate more revenue

The company e-mail marketing, Movable Ink, confirms this trend in a report on the preferences of consumer devices (2013). 62% of e-mails were opened on mobile devices, whether phones (48%) or tablets (13%). While most of clicks were in the desktop version. Perhaps most telling are the gains that have been obtained for each person who has opened an email: mobile users generated 10 cents, the desktop 34, while users combining both devices surprisingly reached $ 1.28, according to a Experian Marketing Services report.

There are also interesting facts depending on the brand of the device.According to the report Yesmail, 82% of the messages were opened from an iPhone, followed far behind by Android devices (17%). As for the time devoted to reading mail, according Movable Ink, 53% of users of Android employs more than 15 seconds to read each message, while only 41% of iPhone owners arrived at those times.

All these data do not mean the denotational desktop computer, because at the moment, we still have the other half of the population consult their emails from your computer. But are studies and figures that do require a change in perspective. Responsive design solution for e-mails, which automatically adapts to the device, is emerging as a more satisfactory solutions. Experian mentions some cases in which this formula has increased the CTR (Click Through Rate) to 63% and the rate of transactions up to 18%.

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