How trainers can support their learners

Working as a trainer can be an incredibly rewarding job and it gives you the opportunity to pass on your knowledge and skills. You can be a trainer in almost any area and there are a number of skills that you need to learn to do this effectively. All of these skills are covered in Train The Trainer Courses like the ones available from the College of Public Speaking. Once you have all the skills and knowledge you need to be an effective trainer there are a number of ways that you can then go on to support your learners.

Face to face – these types of training sessions are how training has been done traditionally. It would usually involve having a group of attendees come together either for intensive learning over a weekend or on a regular basis for smaller bite sized learning.

Online – since the pandemic began more and more people have looked at ways in which they can offer their training online using Zoom or Microsoft Teams. There are other platforms that have allowed entire courses to be placed online, with the trainer supporting in occasional sessions and then on email and telephone support.

1 to 1 – in some cases training may need to be undertaken on a 1 to 1 basis or there may be the need for additional support to be put in place for particular learners on either an online or face to face course.

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