It is common for the term ‘scrum master’ to be used interchangeably with ‘project manager’ by those who are relatively unfamiliar with this approach to development. The reality is quite different, so getting to grips with the main distinctions between the two roles can make adopting a scrum framework easier.
Greasing the wheels
The role of a project manager can be multifaceted and holistic. They are there to solve problems and provide administrative support, handling tasks such as reporting on finance and the coordination of any relevant training over the course of a project.
Conversely, a scrum master is effectively a more targeted role, designed to enable the development team to work effectively and deal with any obstacles that may be in their way, often by interacting with other branches of the management infrastructure within an organisation.
A lot of this may come down to altering the way in which interactions take place, eliminating any impediments that are not permissible within the generally accepted parameters of the scrum framework.
Learning curve
Of course, no one is born with an innate understanding of what it takes to be a scrum master, which is why newcomers will require appropriate assistance to gain the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in this role. Since scrum master training in Dublin is available from suppliers such as, it is simple enough to make this accessible to employees.
Software development is still growing rapidly, with a 24 per cent increase in vacant positions expected over the course of the next decade. This rate of expansion will make scrum masters all the more important, especially for organisation that want to maximise their agility and streamline the development process by ensuring all the cogs are spinning in unison.
It is also important for those outside a project based on the framework to familiarise themselves with terms such as ‘scrum master’ and appreciate the distinctions between this role and a traditional project manager. This will make the job of the scrum master easier and mean that they do not have to constantly fend off requests that they are not really in a position to fulfil in the first place.
Finally, it is worth remembering that scrum is not ideal in every scenario; therefore, adoption should be approached with care and consideration.