Packing like a pro for a house move

1. Pack pillows in bin liners

Each standard-sized kitchen bin bag can accommodate 2 or 3 regular pillows. They are great to use as cushioning between the furniture as well! Plus, they will greatly reduce the time you spend going back and forth between the house and the removal van.

2. Colour code your rooms

Coloured tape is a great idea to seal boxes from different rooms. You can even add coloured ribbon to the outside of each box, to make them instantly identifiable when it comes to unpacking. You can also use a number system which works just as effectively.

3. Get free cardboard boxes

Post on the Facebook marketplace, gumtree or visit your local supermarket to pick up free moving boxes.

4. Hire a removal company

Take the pressure off and let a removals company do all the hard work for you. For more information on Removal companies Essex , visit a site like

5. Pack plates with Styrofoam between fragile items

This method is so easy. It takes little time and can absorb the impact of the removal van hitting a bump in the road, for example. An added benefit is that you can use the Styrofoam plates in the lead up to and post move to reduce the amount of dirty dishes during the transition!

6. Hang clothes in bin bags

Cover your clothes hanging in the closet in bin bags and tie the top of the bag over the hanger before bringing them to the car. This saves a huge amount of time as it eliminates the need to remove hangers, fold up the clothes, pack them in a box, unpack them, unfold and rehang. On arrival at your new home, simply hang the item and rip off the bin bag. Simple!

7. Pack a ‘first night’ box

Think about packing items like towels, bed linen, toiletries, toilet roll and any required medication in a ‘first night’ box. Anything you would need straight away for night one in your new home, put it in this box! Anything to reduce the stress levels and the problem of looking for that one essential object that you just cannot find anywhere! Anything you consider to be important should be carried in the car directly to your new house, to easily find on your first night.

8. Pack in stages to avoid burning out

Try to avoid packing up the whole house all in one go and you really will achieve everything quicker. Don’t view the whole house in terms of packing, chose to focus on the different rooms in phases. You’ll mix things up enough to stay focused and not get stuck in habits that are less productive.

9. Ask for help

There is no way one person can move home on their own, so it’s important to ask for help from friends and family when you need it. You can always offer to return the favour in the future.

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