Food medicines, cure through diet

“That the food is your medicine” Hippocrates said many years ago but today more than ever we must recognize that it is possible to prevent or reverse diseases through good habits of life, therefore it is possible to cure through diet with some food medicines.

Medical food

Because of their properties and above all, because of their effect on the body, certain foods can be very helpful in reducing the risk of developing diseases or, conversely, to treat and contribute to reversing pathologies.

Thus, the Heart Foundation lists the following food medicines or foods with medicinal properties :

  • Herbs and spices : many of them are among the foods with more antioxidants and therefore, not only can preserve us from degenerative diseases but also from inflammatory diseases. Oregano, sage, thyme, rosemary and clove are among the most potent antioxidant herbs and a PennState study notes that the presence of herbs and spices in a meal can improve the metabolic response to a high-fat meal And thus, protect the body from its effects.
  • Red fruits : they are also a concentrate of antioxidants that have shown utility to different diseases to possess anthocyanins with anti-inflammatory power. For example, blueberries help reduce blood pressure and may also offer other benefits that help prevent diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis or others.
  • Food with omega 3 : the blue fish source of this type of fats helps conserve cell membranes and reduce inflammation if consumed at least twice a week, but in addition, omega 3 that is also found in nuts and seeds can help us To protect the health of bones and has been associated with a lower risk of heart attack .
  • Green Tea : Green tea not only can raise our metabolism naturally and thus help us prevent overweight or obesity and associated diseases but also has a strong anti-inflammatory power that has been linked to a lower risk of suffering different types of cancer .
  • Fermented foods : miso, yogurt, tempeh, pickles, and other foods that undergo a fermentation process can be good sources of probiotics that reinforce the functioning of the intestinal flora helping to improve the system of defenses of the organism and reduce Cholesterol, prevent eczema, avoid caries and other benefits of probiotics .
  • Garlic : because of its allicin content, it is an anti-inflammatory as potent as ibuprofen, but also reduces infections and promotes blood circulation, so its consumption helps prevent and reverse many diseases, such as epidemically or heart disease among others .

These are some food medicines that can help us to heal or prevent through what we eat and that will certainly offer with their consumption, not only medicinal properties but also, flavor, aroma, color and good nutrients to care for the body.


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