Strides and their progression (10 exercises)

We continue to incorporate articles encapsulated in videos, on your Vitonic channel, on basic strength exercises. This way you will have, in your toolbox, an extensive and well-sequenced catalog to be able to improve your technique and your strength, both in the gym and at home

Today we analyze a fundamental exercise for the work highlighted on one leg, with a strength training of the entire lower train, but with an emphasis on the muscles of the quadriceps, adductors and glutes. We present the strides and their progression (10 exercises)

Types of strides: 10 variants in progression

Before starting your training session remember to warm up in a general and specific way the strength to avoid injuries and improve performance.

The ten exercises that you can see in the video are the following:

1) Quadriceps extensions in aerial quadrupeds
2) High knee hinge (better in step with support of the knees, when limiting its angulation)
3) Squats :
– Isometric squat with support of the back in the wall
– Squats shot with Fitball in the back leaning against the wall
– Squat in counterweight
– Squat type box (or Box Squat). Use of three progressive heights in difficulty: high, medium and deep
– Squat face to the wall
– Squat with a Russian belt or muscled brace
– Sissy type squat
– Squat low from an initial swing, raising both arms
– Squat above the head (overhead squat) with pica

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