Climate Change – From the Industrial Revolution to Today

As global warming continues to take centre stage in the news all around the world, we see more and more instances of extreme weather being reported everywhere. As human beings start trying to get to grips with global warming before it completely destroys life on earth, climate change activists are trying to make changes and make others aware of the plight of the world.

Global warming first began back in the days of the Industrial Revolution. As industry changed from farming done by hand, inventors had begun to come up with new ways to produce things on a mass scale in factories. A wider choice and much more access to products soon followed and industry soon began to boom. In this modern age, the rise of the machines not only saw a much cheaper and efficient way of producing items, from food to fuel to clothing, but also transport was rapidly changing.

Horses and carts were replaced with canal boats, steam trains then later cars and lorries as good were transported quickly from one end of the country to another. This transformed the countries landscape as cities quickly grew into large urban areas, full of factories and housing factory workers nearby as they flocked in from the countryside for a new life of factory work.

Cities of the Industrial Revolution quickly became dirty and polluted and the air was thick with harmful smoke that was belching out from the chimneys. Cities nowadays are very different as the only smoke usually encountered is the fruity smoke of vapers juices from Gloucester vape shop and the streets are considerably cleaner now as the local councils ensure that streets stay cleaner and more well maintained.

As global warming now threatens to destroy not only our cities, many of which would become submerged in water as temperatures around the globe rise and the ice caps melt, but also our wonderful array of flora and fauna that we share the planet with. Many species have already become extinct and others are in steep decline, showing us that something needs to be changed once again to be able to allow the earth to continue to provide a home for human beings as well as the wildlife and plant life that also calls the earth home.

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