Tips to improve the usability of your online store

Web usability provides an intuitive, easy and simple navigation, ensuring the best possible user experience. Today, entrepreneurs and businessmen are able to start or expand their business through electronic commerce (if in doubt, analyzes these 9 reasons for you will be excited to start selling e-commerce). However although e-commerce offers a great opportunity to expand your business, there are some factors that can help you have a successful online store … and one of these is the web usability.

Web usability is the property acquires a website to be user-centered. It provides an intuitive, easy and simple navigation, ensuring the best possible experience. As in a physical business, experience-having people within your online store will influence your buying decision. In this post, we will focus mainly on the say-that web usability, how easy it is for people to use your web site and give you tips to improve your virtual store.

When creating your website, make sure you take into account the following considerations:

Readable source

A very important part of web usability is that the people who visit your online store easily read the content. In some places, the information is difficult to read, and people have to strain your eyes to do. To avoid this problem we recommend you use a font size that is easy to read, and use a style that can read your articles or product descriptions without eyestrain.


It is important to maintain a standard font type and design of your online store. Occupies no more than three fonts in your virtual store, because if you do confuse your visitors. Also, keep the same color on the links; with this, you will prevent users from having to guess the format of the links.

Internal and external links

The links in a website are very important for navigation. Internal links allow increasing the sailing time on the site, and that people can go through eluding one page to another. On the other hand, the use of external links helps support information that is on your site. However, we recommend that a new window for each link to open, as this will allow people to not leave your tent to be seen somewhere else. With this, you will increase the average browsing time and diminish the bounce.

Customizable design for mobile

You know how many people come to your online store through a mobile device. The mobile data services have increased and caused an increase in demand for mobile devices, so it is very important to have a responsive design (adaptable to mobile) because with this you will allow visitors to your online store displayed effectively across the content. With this type of design will not lose sales or clients, on the contrary, you will increase your conversion rate and will improve the user experience.

Site Map

This advice helps primarily those visitors to your online store for the first time. A site map will offer a complete overview of the logical structure of your tent, and let them know which categories and main sections that comprises it. No doubt, this will help increase the usability of your web store.

Search bar

When you have a lot of content in your online store, it becomes difficult for users to find the information they are looking for, creating a bad experience during browsing. Therefore, we recommend adding a search bar, so that adding a keyword to find the information they are looking for without having to navigate around the site.

If your online store a bad impression because it’s difficult and confusing navigation, of no use how good your product. Many potential customers are rejecting what you sell instantly. Also, remember that website usability will help a good reputation for your brand, building trust between you and your followers. Do not hesitate! Implement these tips in your shop and become an expert in e-commerce.

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