Men prefer quality and brands and women the trend and rebates

Although men also use the internet to check on fashion, women are the most purchased through network

There is no middle when the peoples express their opinions about fashion: or find it totally indifferent or considered the best way to express their identity. This is reflected in the results of the latest study AIMC Brands , where besides the main conclusions about what the predilections of the peopless towards these products are, the sales channel, the type of garment or what makes them collected decide when acquiring one or theother.

The AIMC Brands is a study by the Association for Media Research (AIMC) since 2003 and bases its results on more than 10,000 valid interviews. The study provides data on what the habits and attitudes of peopless are against the consumption both in general and to certain brands and produts.The study on consumption of fashion, accessories and footwear was made along 2013.

Indifference or mode of expression

In the attitude towards fashion show, there are two distinct positions: those who claim that fashion are indifferent (42.0%), compared to 35.6% who say that fashion is a way to express themselves. The latter view has been forged with the elapse of time, since in 2004 only 19.3% of respondents were favored by this option, compared with 35.6%.

These differences can also be observed taking into account a geographical criterion: while Navarre (57.9%), Cantabria (53.2%) and La Rioja (52.2%) are those who show indifference to fashion trends Extremadura (44%), Murcia (42%) and Asturias (39%) are those who claim that higher percentage garments help them express themselves.

When purchasing fashion items, motivations vary by gender: while it is for women important fashion or offers and / or rebates, men have more account of the quality or the garment brand. Globally, without distinction by sex, the price in 71.5% of cases, is also a factor. Other conditions that are also taken into account by consumers are convenience (57.9%) or that the garment does not need special care (13.0%).

40.8% of respondents defined their style as practical, comfortable and casual. These data contrast with 23.4% who opted for a classic or conventional style. The styles are less adopted by the respondents are striking (0.4%) and sexy (0.3%).

Decline in purchases

Brands AIMC data reflect a decline in purchases by women themselves, both as regards shoes as fashion garments. 73% of women surveyed say they have made a purchase of shoes in 2013, representing a decrease of 5.3% compared to the figures of 2012. The data are very similar in terms of purchasing fashion items: 75 7% say they have purchased any of these products, which is 76.3% less than last year.

These declines also reflect if we break down purchases by product type, virtually all of which reflect a decrease of blazers, which have the highest figure in the historical series since 2003: 25.4%. This means an increase of 5.4 points compared to 2012. The largest decline recorded what suits jacket: while in 2003 31.9% of respondents claimed to have bought one, in 2013 this percentage is reduced to 10, 3%, with a tendency to go down.

As is the case with women, men also recorded a decline in data footwear they buy for themselves. During 2013, 50.8% of men acquired at least one pair of shoes, which means a decrease of 2.3 points compared to 2012. However, with regard to purchases of clothing, there is a rise of almost one percentage point (from 57% in 2012 to 57.8% in 2013).

Brands AIMC data show that men increasingly care more about buying clothes for themselves: while 38.9% of men are still buying their clothes, this figure is 15.6% lower than that He recorded in 2003.

Decline in the perception of spending

Every time we spend less on fashion items, or at least that is the perception consumers. While in 2004 11.6% of respondents admitted that he spent much on clothes, this figure drops to 8.2% in 2013. In the last two years, plus a drop is observed in the data that brand loyalty we like more (36.4% in 2013 compared to 39.8% in 2011) and the purchase of clothing brands (13% in 2013 compared to 15.7% in 2012).

The data recorded in the study AIMC Brands dismantled one of the great myths of consumer fashion: love to go shopping. Only 28.6% of respondents recognized this. This difference is enlarged if we compare the data for men (13.9%) with women (42.4%) and if evaluated according to age: from 35 years this percentage drops dramatically, from 41 , 1% of respondents between 25 and 34 years at 28.3% of respondents aged between 35 and 44 years.

The tester, in the living room

With the course of time, the Internet has gained more importance as one of the most used by the peoples for information and comment on trends and fashion products, accessories and footwear media. As is clear from the data recorded in the study AIMC Brands, 30.7% of the population used the Internet for this use over 2013, representing an increase of 6.2 points over the previous year. 2013 figures mark an even more remarkable when compared with the first study of AIMC Brands in 2003, when the percentage of queries fashion information network stood at 2.1% difference.

Internet is a medium that users not only used for information and exchange views, but also increasingly positions itself more as a sales channel that is on the rise. While in the 2012 study reflected that 10.4% of peoples made purchases through the network last year, this figure rises to 12.8% in 2013. Women study (13.9% ) consume more online than men (11.6%), especially if they are in the age range between 20 and 44 years.

The number of comments that have been made on the Internet was virtually stable compared to last year (0.2 points less than in 2012). Most of the comments registered on the network correspond to women, mostly young. Particularly noteworthy activity canaries Internet with 14.1% far exceeds the national average set at 6.2%.

Concern aspect show

Both men and women are increasingly recognizing (24.9%) who care about conjoined leave the street (eg. Dress and jacket, suit and tie?). The data concerning the opinion that others have of us also reflect this trend: although most are still those who say they do not care what the rest think about their appearance (54.4%), this figure is about to equalize with those that take into account the opinions of others.

Elegance is a subjective aspect that in 2013 registered lower valuation than the previous one (48% versus 63.1%), although until 2012 was a factor to consider and growing way. The relevance is given to the use of fur coats has also declined: only 5.1% of respondents in 2013 recognizes dressing (compared to 9.4% in 2004). If the data are broken down by age, this 5.1% down from the youngest to 4% and increases to 8.6% among those over 65 years.

What is AIMC Brands and how it’s done

AIMC Brands issued its first edition in 2003 and since then has become an indisputable source to provide comprehensive information both consumer brands and products, as attitudes and opinions regarding media audience.The study AIMC Marks, available exclusively from those associated with AIMC, is annually and results are based on approximately 10,000 interviews.

This type of study combines information on population exposure to the media, their consumption for a long list of products and brands, their lifestyles and their attitudes to consumption, the media itself and society.

Its use as a tool for segmentation and analysis, very accurate definition of targets, etc., in order to optimize advertising strategies and trade policy of the media every day becomes more essential.

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