Whether you take photographs purely for pleasure or you rely on your snaps to pay the bills, it is easy to get stuck in a rut.
You can start to approach every project in the same way, leaving little room for imagination and creativity. If this sounds familiar, it may be time to take stock and re-evaluate your techniques, equipment and approach.
Explore new avenues
If you’re an amateur, you could sign up for training with the likes of renowned professional Grant Scott – find him at http://insight.glos.ac.uk/ACADEMICSCHOOLS/DAD/STAFF/Pages/GrantScott.aspx – or simply take heed of his top tips for improving your game at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-33674327.
A simple solution
Taking your photography skills to another level doesn’t have to be complicated either; sometimes it can be as simple as making a decision to move with the times or take a break from technical obsession in favour of a more improvised approach.
You could choose to step away from your passion for stunning scenery in favour of a spot of foodie snapping or go for some interiors if gardening is normally your thing. You could contact a Gloucestershire Florist such as https://flowershedtewkesbury.co.uk to ask to take images of their beautiful arrangements, Of course, this is not always possible during your working day – a successful wedding photographer can’t just start focusing solely on what’s on the breakfast plates – but reigniting a passion for photography as a hobby as well as a job can do wonders for the creativity, enthusiasm, and quality. Sometimes taking a day away from your work to reignite your creativity can work wonders for your business.
This renewed passion and enthusiasm will show in the photographs you take; in the same way that boredom, lethargy or complacency can so easily be reflected. It will make it easier to fully engage with your human subjects and draw out the quality shots you want and need.
Try to take a figurative step back in time. If just for one day, leave all your preconceptions and past experience behind. Head off and take photographs of what you want, in the way you want to do it – regardless of how you have always worked or what you normally snap. You might just be very surprised at the results – and enjoy the experience as well.