The lowdown on quinoa

Quinoa is a seed that is commonly used as an alternative to whole grains such as barley, wheat and rice. Prepared much in the same way as these other whole grains, quinoa has been dubbed a super food thanks to its highly nutritious nature and other associated health benefits.

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Even though quinoa has been cultivated for centuries in South America, it has only recently gained popularity in the UK as consumers become increasingly conscious of their health and the food they put into their bodies. Its reputation as a healthy and nutritious grain has led to this increase in demand. Those searching for healthier diets or those on a vegan or gluten-free diet are turning to quinoa for a healthy substitute to other grains. Why is quinoa so good?

High in fibre

It is extremely high in fibre that is insoluble. so it fills you up and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. This can help with weight loss as the body finds it hard to break down insoluble fibres. The fibre is also good at maintaining a healthy and productive digestive system. Soluble fibre helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

High protein content

Among whole grains, quinoa has the highest levels of protein. This makes it the perfect food for vegans and vegetarians. It contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Its high protein value naturally boosts the body’s metabolic rate.


Quinoa is naturally gluten-free, unlike many other whole grains. This means it is ideal for those with gluten intolerances and Coeliac disease. what actually is Gluten? The name “gluten” is derived from the Latin word for glue and is a combination of proteins found in wheat, oat, rye and barley. It has viscoelastic properties that help dough to rise and maintain its shape. Gluten free snacks sometimes include quinoa or other forms of gluten-free grains.

Other health conditions

This super grain consists of fatty acids that are good for the heart, helping to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Blood glucose levels are regulated by the high levels of magnesium present in quinoa, and it also helps maintain a healthy immune system, which aids in controlling type-two diabetes. Quinoa’s high levels of potassium help control hypertension as the potassium helps counter the effects of sodium, thereby lowering blood pressure.

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